Friday, December 20, 2013

Would You Rather Beauty Tag

 Today, I decided to do a more fun blog post and do the Would you rather beauty tag. I know I am super late on this but I hope you will enjoy it anyways. Here are the questions.

1.  Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or nice hair and no make-up? 

Definitely, go out with messy hair and nice make-up. I, personally do not feel as confident with nice hair and no make-up as I do with messy hair and make-up. I think you can still look cute and put together if you have nice make-up and put your hair up in a bun.

2.  Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?

I would rather have my eyelashes fall out because I could still put on some natural looking false eyelashes. However, if you shave off your eyebrows and draw them on, it does not look as natural.

3.   Would you rather be forced to shop only at MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?

I have never been to MAC and there is no Sephora close to where I live so I would have to say neither.

4. Would you rather wear lip gloss/lip liner look or 80's perm?

Lip gloss/ lip liner because I think I could make it look nice and pull it off. 80's perm, on the other hand, I would not be able to pull off.

5. Would you rather leave the house  with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?

Overdone blush. I think you can still look okay with that and maybe people would think that you are just blushing a lot. An obvious foundation line is not so easy to conceal and no one likes that.

6. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or bike shorts in public?

MC Hammer pants for sure. I think they are really comfortable and if you wear them with the right clothing it can look nice.

7. Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered?

I would rather have really weird tan lines that can't be covered because in my opinion that still looks more natural than bad orange-y spray tan. And who does not get weird tan lines when sunbathing?

8. Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color?

I would rather have bad hair color because I could just go to a store and buy a new one and conceal my bad one. Waiting for my hair to grow takes a lot more time.

9. Would you rather have YouTube or twitter taken away?

 Twitter for sure. I barely use it so I would not miss it.

10. Would you rather give up using make up brushes or mascara?

I would rather give up using make-up brushes because I could still use my fingers or a sponge to apply my makeup.

I hope you enjoyed this tag.

xoxo Katja

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