Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Color of Food

Color of food is significant. Color of food can influence how you feel and your health. 

YELLOW: Foods that are yellow are high in vitamin C. They improve concentration, memory, increase blood pressure, make the skin more elastic, help in battling viral infections, etc. These foods are: pasta, corn, bell pepper, banana, pineapple, etc. 

ORANGE: Food that are orange have Beta-carotene, which transforms into vitamin A in your body and vitamin A is an important antioxidant. These foods protect the digestive system, fasten metabolism, strengthen lungs, raise appetite, are good for your eyes and sight and help to improve the skin. These foods are: melon, peach, mango, apricot, orange, pumpkin, carrot, etc. 

RED: Food that are red have vitamin C and antioxidants. These foods have next benefits: maintain beautiful skin, protect cells against free radicals, have a positive effect on the tumor of the urinary tract and digestive tract, protect against some forms of cancer, etc. These foods are: tomato, beans, bell pepper, cherries, strawberries, beetroot, etc. 

GREEN: Food that are green have calcium, folic acid, iron and fiber. These foods have next benefits: calm the nerve system and blood pressure, cleanse and detoxify the body, etc. These foods are: lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, bell pepper, lime, grapes, kiwi, zucchini, peas, olive oil, avocado, etc. 

xoxo Katja

Monday, May 27, 2013

Motivation to Exercise

How to motivate yourself? 
Every beginning is hard so do not give up. Here are few tips on how to motivate yourself to exercise.

  1. Try different kinds of exercise. You must find out which type of exercise you enjoy the most.
  2. Set days, hours and the type of exercise. This way it will be easier to coordinate your exercise with other obligations.
  3. Start slowly. Choose your own pace and intensity and do not compare yourself to others.
  4. Take care of the suitable equipment. This is the only way that you will enjoy exercising.
  5. Find and write a motivational quote and put it somewhere in your room where you can see it all the time.
  6. Set realistic goals. Do not set goals that are too high in the beginning but do that gradually. Goals should be effective, measurable and set with a date.
  7. Think about the results that regular exercise will bring. Apart from feeling good, having a toned body, better condition, more energy, you will also have better health.
  8. Buy a sports watch and keep track of time, intensity, amount of exercise, burned calories and your progress. Over time you will notice progress and this will give you motivation to continue. 
  9. Listen to your favorite music, which will make you feel good. By listening to music you will also lose track of time and therefore will not hate exercising.
  10. Get an exercise buddy. 
  11. Do not overreact and do not forget to rest.

xoxo Katja